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Release notes Indicium (2022.2.10)

Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we have made several error messages more descriptive. Furthermore, we are working hard on features for the upcoming 2022.2 Thinkwise platform release and features that take multiple sprints to build.

In Thinkwise Platform release 2022.2, we have added support for several new features. Some examples are:

  • Support for table, task, and report variants.
  • Automatic provisioning (registration) of users in IAM when signing in through a third-party Identity Provider.
  • Push notifications to the Universal GUI via a new process action.
  • Support for file storage configurations in various file process actions 
    (read/write/copy/move/delete/list actions on files and folders on Azure File/AWS S3/FTP/File systems).
  • Zip and Unzip process actions.
  • Download file process action.

You can read all the details of these features and more in the release notes for Thinkwise Platform version 2022.2. These will be published shortly.

You can read more about Indicium's features in the Indicium user manual.

We will keep you updated regularly about Indicium's progress.

About Indicium

Two types of the Thinkwise Indicium Application Tier are available:


Contents of this release


Thinkwise Platform support release 2020.2 is ending

In accordance with our Lifecycle policy, Indicium support for Thinkwise Platform release 2020.2 is ending. Please upgrade to at least release 2021.1 to use this release of Indicium.



If you install this Indicium 2022.2.10 release, you must also install the Universal 2022.2.10 release.

HTTP connector error handling

The HTTP connector has a new return status code:

-6 - Unsuccessful (request timed out)

The error message when an HTTP header does not contain a Key value is now more descriptive:

  • "The HTTPConnector header has an empty key, which is not allowed. Consult the documentation for the right format."

More descriptive error messages for conversion errors

Data conversion error messages have been made more descriptive. For example:

  • "The prefilter my_prefilter for table my_table has a value (some value) that does not match the data type."
  • "The variable my_variable for process flow my_process_flow has a value (some value) that does not match the data type."
  • "The column my_col for table my_table has a value (some value) that does not match the data type."
  • "The parameter my_param for task/report my_task/report has a value (some value) that does not match the data type."

More descriptive error messages for non-unique primary key and data type mismatch

When a request containing context filters fails to select a unique record for that context, a new error message is logged containing the table or view in which the error occurred. For example:

  • "The select query for 'my_table' returned more than one record. Validate that the primary key is unique."

If Indicium fails to convert column data to the data type specified for that column in the application model, for example, because an expression column returns the wrong type of data, an error message is logged containing the table or view, and column:

  • "The column 'my_col' for table 'my_table' has an invalid value. The column data type might be incorrect."

Minor fixes and tasks

  • tIndicium Basic] We fixed an issue where all data types for the SSRS data source were converted to a string. As a result, SSRS reports did not always print correctly.

Hello everyone,

We have released a hotfix for this version of Indicium Universal, which is available for download as version 2022.2.10.1. This hotfix release fixes a concurrency issue that could occur when loading an application model from a 2022.2 version of IAM. This issue mostly applied to instances of Indicium that serve as the agent to run system flows.

If you are using Indicium Universal version 2022.2.10.0 and you have already upgraded to platform version 2022.2, then we recommend updating to Indicium Universal 2022.2.10.1.

Our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this issue.

Hello everyone,

We have released another hotfix for this version of Indicium Universal, which is available for download as version 2022.2.10.2. This hotfix release fixes an issue with loading 2022.2 application models that contain multiple Drag-drop links with the same target table and using the same Drag-drop task as well. In other words, multiple source tables having a drag drop link using the same task and target table.

If you have upgraded to platform version 2022 and the query below gives you results, then we recommend updating to Indicium Universal 2022.2.10.2.

select project_id, project_vrs_id, drag_tab_id, drop_tab_id, drop_task_id
from drag_drop t1
where exists
    select 1
    from drag_drop
    where project_id = t1.project_id
    and project_vrs_id = t1.project_vrs_id
    and drop_tab_id = t1.drop_tab_id
    and drop_task_id = t1.drop_task_id
    group by project_id, project_vrs_id, drop_tab_id, drop_task_id
    having count(*) > 1

Our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this issue.