
🔥 Hotfixes for week 20

Related products: Software Factory Intelligent Application Manager

Hello everyone!

We’ve released the following hotfixes this week:

SF 2021.2

  • 20210517 - Sort order index columns
    • Fixed an issue with the new calculations of sorted indexes in 2021.2 where the indexes that were created for sort orders only included the sorted columns but did not take into account the sort order of these columns.
  • 20210517 - Reference on delete set null
    • Fixed an issue with references in 2021.2 where the option "set null" for "on delete" was not implemented correctly.

IAM 2021.2

  • 20210518 - Get_gui_oauth_server rights
    • Added rights for end users and for indicium to access get_gui_oauth_server. This feature is supported by the Windows GUI as of version 2021.2.12.

SF and IAM 2021.2

  • 20210519 - Indicium requests
    • Changes to some interface views with Indicium to support development of new and/or improved features.
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