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To not include expression fields in select when they are hidden in a variant.

Related products: Windows GUI Universal GUI

We have a table with quite some expression fields, that normally do not give a lot of performance loss because they are usually always shown as a detail of an order.  

However, we've created a variant on this table that breaks with this and although I've hidden the majority of the fields, the select that is generated in the end product will still contain all these expression fields that really make things slow. Wouldn't it be a nice idea to not add expression fields to the select of a variant when they are hidden? 

I know I can make a seperate view, but I would like to not do that. It would be great if the selects for view/tables (based on variants) could only contain the data-elements that will be shown (non-hidden). 

Hi Freddy,

We’re actually aready working on this feature to only select visible columns, and expect it to be released in a couple of months.

Hi Jasper,

Would this also work for columns that are hidden in the grid and only shown in the form?


Hi Andre,

Due to circumstances, this project has come to a standstill for some time. However, we plan on working on this again as part of the separate API endpoints for variants.

Initially, the GUI fetches all fields that may be visible, but in the future we want to make further optimizations by looking at the visible columns per component.


Hi Andre,

Due to circumstances, this project has come to a standstill for some time. However, we plan on working on this again as part of the separate API endpoints for variants.

Initially, the GUI fetches all fields that may be visible, but in the future we want to make further optimizations by looking at the visible columns per component.


Hi @Jasper  what is the status of this idea/improvement?

Hi Freddy,

We continued the implementation of this feature with the Variant API project as part of the 2022.2 release. The first step, to make each variant have its own API endpoint, will be available with the release in June.

The next step is to allow the GUI to only select the available columns per variant, by providing the required metadata to do so. This is expected to be available with the 2022.3 release later this year.

(The challenge here is that we need to calculate the effective column permissions and dependencies for all columns in all variants. We'll have to do this upfront and persist this information to guarantee performance, so it has quite an impact.)

PlannedWorking on it!

Working on it!Completed

This idea has been delivered with the Variant effective rights feature of the 2023.2 release.