Task to copy rights between objects in SF

Related products: Software Factory

When creating a new column in an existing table it would be nice to have a task to copy the right from an already existing column to the new column.


This would save time in settings all the rights for new columns which are similar to existing columns.

I use columns as an example, but this could be equally useful for prefilters, tasks, task parameters, etc..

Hi Joey,

Thanks for submitting your idea. Copying rights from an existing object could lead to undesirably giving rights to an object. There is another idea that (kind of) is similar in nature with your idea; On copying a table/view add a Checklist of what to copy | Thinkwise Community (thinkwisesoftware.com)

We could make it possible to copy rights from the copied object to the new object but it's not as trivial as it may sound. This is because the copy column task (and other copy tasks) can be used to copy columns to different tables that might not have rights assigned currently, and then it's the question of how to handle this. 

I will leave the idea open here to see how many votes the idea gets. This way we can take it into consideration.

Updated idea status NewOpen

I already tried this once: https://community.thinkwisesoftware.com/ideas/assign-rights-based-on-object-770 you have my vote. 

The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

Unfortunately, also this version of the idea has not received many votes. Because we want to keep the focus on ideas that are in high demand in our Thinkwise Community, we are closing this idea.
