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Message panel as screentype component

Related products: Software Factory Universal GUI UI/UX

It would be nice to have the abbility to add a statusbar to a screentype, which gives any kind of message you want to show to the user. The message can be retreived from a table/view, but grid or form just does not do the trick to visualize the message like a statusbar could. The main advantage of a statusbar is the limited space it takes up in your screen and that it is in line with many other tools where statusbars are a common visualisation. For my personal use it would be enough to just have 1 textfield in it, but I can imagine it would also be nice to have multiple cells like in a grid, but ofcourse without (visible) headers.
When I try to accomplish this with a grid it takes up a lot of space.

Hi Gideon,

Do you have some examples of status bars, like how you would like them to look? 

In the Windows GUI, we have the Progress bar for Forms frequently used throughout the Software Factory. Is that the look you are looking for?

Maybe the term statusbar is to complex for what I really want. A messagebar is maybe a better term. I would like to print info to this messagebar to inform the user about progress, or for wat I need now:
To present variables back to the user which he filled in in an earlier step. So it is clear for the user on which variables his screen is based (in my case the delivery year week). Ofcourse I can add a column to show this delivery year week, but why have this info in a table for every row when i only need it once at the top of my screen. So a messagebar without user interaction. This might also solve the problem to show progress messages when running a processflows that takes a while to run. Every step can that trigger a message and be shown to the user. The problem I have with showing this variables in a grid is the space it takes up when you only need a one liner. I tried presenting it as a form, but also that takes up  to much space in my opinion.

I would like a “Message Area” very much.
It could maybe be implemented as a new Component on Screen Types.
A fixed area on the screen where you can send messages to.
So also an option on a Message to direct it to the Message Area instead of a Popup Window.
With the option to either add the message to the existing text in the message area, or to clear the message area and only show the new message.
This would create a very simple way to show progress during a Process Flow, 
and probably has many other uses.

As in the panel message from the windows GUI but then configurable with screen types @Theo Neeskens @Gideon Kraak ?

Yes @Robbert van Tongeren ,
Putting it in the Screen Type fixes the size and location of the Message Area.

