Make role_id field of role longer

Related products: Software Factory

Currently, the "code" of a role (role_id) can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
To clearly define roles, we would like to have more space available, so that we do not have to work with all kinds of obscure abbreviations to be able to make sufficient distinction within those 100 characters.

The description of a role is longer (1000 characters), but in many places in the SF and IAM the role_id is shown and not the description.

Can the length of the role_id field be increased, for example to 250 characters?

Agreed. For several customers we’ve implemented auto generated micro roles and there we’ve encounters the same issue that the PK is too short and the description is not shown consistent. 

Perhaps an alternative solution would be to use an expression field as a look-up for all places where a role is shown.

This expression could concatenate the role_id + role_description. This way, we would not misuse the role_id field itself. Keep in mind that the description will be abbreviated when there is not enough space in the field to show all information.

The field can be set to ‘Hidden’ in the role screen itself.
