Improve use of files and folders in process actions

Related products: Indicium Service Tier


Can you please standardise the use of folders and files in process action? Relative or absolute path, with or without a backslash, with or without storage location.. Or at least update the documentation with working examples.

Write action file: define filename without base folder

write file action


A readfile action: requires an absolute path, no use of storage location in filename:

readfile action


An unzip action: uses storage location, but no backslash behind the target folder name:

unzip action

The zip action: no storage location, and a slash behind the foldername

zip action

OpenOn the backlog

On the backlogWorking on it!

The 2023.2 will show the relevant remarks on an input parameter, for example this:

Hi @Tejo van de Bor,

I came across this idea and was wondering if the 2023.2 solution as mentioned above suffices for this idea.