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I'd like to be able to make a Variant of a Domain with Elements.

Instead of making 'close to double' Domains I'd like to be able to do the next:


  • "document_types"
Elements(just some examples):

  • 1- Purchase Order
  • 2- Sales Order
  • 3- Invoice
  • 4- Picture
  • 5- Kick off Document
  • 6- Financial Summary

So the case would be:

I have a Documents table with a column "document_types" with this domain.

As example there will be 2 views, where you can add Documents on different ways.

So view 1: I want to be able to add Purchase Orders, Sales orders and Financial Summaries

and in view 2: I want to be able to add Invoices, Pictures, Kick off Document and Financial Summaries.

To achieve this i would have to make 2 more domains for view 1 and 2 where I'll also have to make sure the database values are the same as in domain "document_types".

Right now it takes:

-1 Extra time

-2 The maintainability of these columns/domains are harder, because you need to make sure they are in-line with each other.

What do you guys think?
This idea is closely related to the inactive domain elements idea; you basically want to disable domain elements for specific variants. I wonder how often this situation occurs in practice, so lets see how many votes it gets!
To achieve this i would have to make 2 more domains for view 1 and 2 where I'll also have to make sure the database values are the same as in domain "document_types".

With current options I would solve it with a (locked) prefilter per view, that says for each view the domain elements should be in either of the sets you mentioned from the one domain.

In my view that is little overhead compared to the solution you paint yourself. In daily usage I estimate the trouble comparable to maintaining the domain and two variants. Any opinions?
Updated idea status OpenDuplicate
Idea merged into:

All the votes from this idea have been transferred.

Hi @Jasper You refer to this (marked as Duplicate) Idea in the Release Plan for 2021.3. Could you elaborate a bit on how this solution will be implemented? Can I assume in results in the same functional behavior as the seperate Idea I raised (if yes, I'm happy and maybe it can be merged)?


Hi @Arie V

This feature makes it possible to mark domain elements as ‘unavailable’ in a variant of a table, task or report, similar to what we did at the project version level already.

We currently don’t have any plans to hide domain elements using logic.


On the backlogOpen

Status updated to better reflect the Status of the Idea with the clarified Statuses as explained in the Reply here: What happens to your ideas? (updated as per november 2024) | Thinkwise Community