Determine whether document is open

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Universal GUI

I would like to have a way to determine whether a user as a document tab open or not. In some case you would like to close a document tab when the user already has this tab opened.

Currently you are not able to determine whether this tab is already open or not. The only way to close the tab when open, is to include a close document process step in your processflow.

It is kind of redundant though, that you have to execute this process step (which costs performance) when the user does not have this tab open.


When switching from one branch to another in the SF. Can we then also have the option to re-open the documents that are closed in the new branch?

When switching from one branch to another in the SF. Can we then also have the option to re-open the documents that are closed in the new branch?

At the current time we are not able to that. We would need to have a way to do that natively, for example using process actions. Closing all documents does not return which documents were closed. If we could make that possible, the should be able to re-open those documents.

OpenOn the backlog