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What I noticed is that as a user I can change the way my screen looks my selecting a different screen type or change what columns I see in a list and the order of appearance. What I can't change is the amount of menu items I see. In my case, I only use a handful of menu items within the Software Factory.

I would like to hide certain menu items because I never open them anyway. Also changing the order of the menu to my liking is something I would like to be able to do.

Edit: This would be a User preference setting, so available for any product (SF, IAM, End product)
I like the idea, not only for the software factory, but also for end user applications
I like the idea, not only for the software factory, but also for end user applications

The more votes this idea gets, the more chance there is that they will implement it 😉
For the Universal User Interface we want users to be able to "pin" certain open documents to the top of the menu instead of opening these documents using Start objects, like we do now.