Per request of
We’ve build more than a few systemflows to act like if it is a asynchronous processflow. These systemflows will do some stuff when it finds a record in a certain table, for example the recalculation of prices within an (larger) offer, which can take a while to complete due to fetching stuff like current prices from the outside world. The systemflow will scan every 5 seconds to see if there is something it can do and for a very large percentage of its lifespan it will find nothing to do. With enough applications on a server this will cause harsh spikes on them.
What we were and still are looking for are asynchronous process flows, that for example are triggered by the end users push on a button (within the Windows GUI) in which the process flow will act like a systemflow does and needs no more user interaction so that the user can either log out or do something completely different with the application.
rgds Ricky