New date/time control show user local time based on UTC date/time

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Universal GUI


We are an international logistics company with offices in several countries and are in the process of developing a new OMS (Order Management System). We are now faced with the problem of showing users data in local date/time in the OMS. This can of course be solved, but is rather cumbersome.

Is it an idea to develop a new date/time control which 
automatically shows the local user date/time based on a UTC date/time stored in the database.

Thanks in advance,

Randolph Beekman

Updated idea status NewOpen

Maybe has some overlap with this:


Correct, I will merge these two ideas :thumbsup_tone1:

EDIT: We are currently unable to Merge ideas due to an issue at our platform supplier. I will merge the ideas when possible again.

Hello René,

Yes, it sure does. Thanks for the alertness.


Updated idea statusOpenDuplicate
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