Drag & drop also with cardlist.

Related products: Universal GUI

The backlog of the Universal GUI is really missing drag and drop from a cardlist. In a web-environment a card-list is quite often used (at least we do) and it is really a pity that apparently the drag-drop functionality will not be implemented for this component. 

I would really like to see drag-drop also from cardlist aside the grid and tree.  



NewOn the backlog

NewOn the backlog


@Mark Jongeling is there any insight in the backlog and where items are positioned?

I could really use this one for our current project :)

This could be a great addition when combined with a scheduler 🙌

Any news on this?

Any news on this?

Hi Harm,

Not yet. We have accomplished the feature parity and now we are doing maintenance; resolving all the tickets that have accumulated over time due to priority. Over the next couple of months we will be selecting Ideas to be implemented starting from the most requested ones. So the status "On the backlog” is still correct at the moment. If there's any progress, we'll be sure to update this idea.