function or something to get actual path at runtime

Related products: Software Factory

it would be great of to have a function or solution to get rid of the fixed URL's but use relative paths. We use https://server/indicium/iam/appl_id/process_attachment(key_id=1,attachment_id=50)/MODEL.download_file_upload(file_id=null)  to get images to show in HTML.. but the same applies for the use of HTTP connectors to get things from your own application. There is not good way now to set it up one and for it to work in different environments. 

I would like to see a solution that we can use in the model and code a function or something like tsf_user to get the base URL that will always match the runtime environment. 

Hi Freddy,

This may prove quite difficult as Indicium may not even be aware of the URL due to proxies and gateways. Is it possible to use a relative URL to a resource in your embedded HTML?

Using an HTTP connector to connect to your own application is a bit of a workaround. There were instances where this was the only way to get certain actions done in a system flow, such as exporting a report. However, with actions such as Execute System Report this should no longer be required. Do you have some examples where this is still necessary?

hi @Anne Buit

I can think of a few:

  • Relative path would be /indicium/ and then I would still need basically the information out of the Universal config file to have a seamless experience (because in the Universal config file are the URL and the Application Model Name. 
  • To show images inline I don't see any other option (as you actually suggested) than to use the indicium API, I don't see how this can be a relative URL. 
  • And I am anxiously awaiting the deep linking to have in software links (we have for example for one Application a conversation overview with a cardlist and HTML templates. I would really like to add deep-links in there so a user can click on a link from within a logical context and from that deep-link URL go to another screen in the App. This would also require knowing the URL at runtime. 

For the time being I have the URL in a variable, so at least I have one location to maintain it within the Application, but I would rather see a connection for example to the Universal config as basically all the information I need is there. 

Hi Freddy,

You can keep the application alias consistent thorughout releases. For instance, if the application alias is app, the url will always be  ./indicium/iam/app/table_name(15)/PROJECT.download_column_name(file_id=null) 

Alternatively, you can retrieve the current application via a session variable.

When you mentioned you want to show the images in HTML, I assumed you want them somewhere in an embedded HTML page in Universal. If this page is on the same domain as Indicium, a relative URL would be possible. This is not the case?

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Hi Freddy,

You can keep the application alias consistent thorughout releases. For instance, if the application alias is app, the url will always be  ./indicium/iam/app/table_name(15)/PROJECT.download_column_name(file_id=null) 

Alternatively, you can retrieve the current application via a session variable.

When you mentioned you want to show the images in HTML, I assumed you want them somewhere in an embedded HTML page in Universal. If this page is on the same domain as Indicium, a relative URL would be possible. This is not the case?

Yes for IAM releases this could be a solution..  there are indeed various routes to follow. (lazy as I am 😁) would prefer something more simple and robust than alias alignment.. but I get the difficulties.. 

You may close the idea.  

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