Let the SF automaticly upload reports after saving in CR (2020.2 reports in DB)

Related products: Windows GUI Universal GUI Indicium Service Tier

In the 2020.2 version the reports are stored in the database, when you make a change to a report you basicly need to download the report and re-upload it to the sf model. This seems fairly easy to do. Yet its quickly missed (by me for example) that you need to do this.

For example: In a SQL Code bit, when you open that in SQL management studio and save it. It will automaticly insert the new version of the code into the SF model. 

So why is the user experience different with reports? Feels a bit off that you need to edit the report  record in the SF, remove the report and then find the just editted report in your “Temp” folder (because thats where the SF stored it meanwhile you opened it). And re-upload it.

I would say why stop at CR reports? This would be awesome for a lot more file types. 

Updated idea status OpenOn the backlog