HTML5 input validation with the pattern attribute

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Universal GUI

In every application there is some kind of data input validation needed (with regular expressions). The only options we have for data validation in the SF are defaults and/or triggers. SQL support for regular expressions is quite limited. Adding data validations in the SF feels cumbersome to me.

Why don't we make use of HTML5 input validation with the pattern attribute on the input tag. We get full support of javascript regular expression and it's much less work to add data validations. The validation can also be blocking, so the user can't submit the form/data if the data is not in the correct format. The validation message displayed to the user is also way more intuitive then a pop-up message from a default or trigger:


Please be aware that doing only client side validation (html pattern attribute), you still can have wrong data inserted due to indicium api calls don't checking html patterns, or sql statements which aren't validated (by triggers). I like the idea, but please be aware that the database in my opinion should be responsible for not allowing wrong input. The gui is just a client, where as Indicium can allow other (external) clients.

What are other use cases besides a valid email address (this could be a built in feature in Thinkwise?)?

Please be aware that doing only client side validation (html pattern attribute), you still can have wrong data inserted due to indicium api calls don't checking html patterns, or sql statements which aren't validated (by triggers). I like the idea, but please be aware that the database in my opinion should be responsible for not allowing wrong input. The gui is just a client, where as Indicium can allow other (external) clients.

What are other use cases besides a valid email address (this could be a built in feature in Thinkwise?)?


I am aware that it is only a client side validation and we should have a backend validation as fallback as well. Maybe Indicium can use the same regular html pattern for validation (don't know if javascript regular expression syntax is similar to C# regular expressions). This solution is mostly to keep up with global standards and a nice way to inform the user about wrong input.

Some of our use cases: 

  • telephone number: only +()- and numbers
  • url
  • linkedin profile url: must contain
  • iso codes: must be alphabetic charachters

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