Customizable menu in software factory

Related products: Universal GUI

With my almost daily use of the software factory I came to notice that I am often scrolling through the side menu looking for the department that I need. On itself the menu has a logical structure but in practice I would rather have a simple list of all the available options and in a customizable order. My list would probably look something like this:

  • Project overview
  • Full model
  • Data model
  • Subjects
  • Tasks
  • Process flows
  • Functionality
  • Etc...

All items would be in on screen at all times, easily clickable and without the need to scroll. I hope you are willing to consider such a menu.
This morning someone from Thinkwise suggested the option to modify your own menu:
What a coincidence. 🙂 Should I copy paste my first post to the other thread so you can delete this one?
I'll leave that up to someone who is from Thinkwise, and an admin at that. But it's good to see people are getting the same ideas
For the Universal User Interface we want users to be able to "pin" certain open documents to the top of the menu instead of opening these documents using Start objects, like we do now.