Control detail tiles opening

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Universal GUI

I would like to have more control over the way details open, specifically from a detail tile. I would like it to open as a floating screen for instance. Having the screen been modal (thus preventing the user from navigating away) would also be a great feature to have.

In my case the users have a touchscreen interface so using the ‘alt’+click shortcut is not an option and is also not something I want to make the responsibility of the user.

So far I’ve got two workarounds but neither are very elegant:

  • Using ‘empty’ tasks instead of detail tiles and having them open the detail in a process flow, but this leads to clutter in the tasks and makes adding tiles a hassle, also it defeats the purpose of the tiles and leads to a disconnect in the styling of the icons for instance
  • using a process flow to close the initial window and reopen it as a floating window, this is sluggish and also unnecessarily complex

I would prefer to be able to do this in a simpler and faster manner, so far the following places where I would expect such a setting to be located are as follows, from likely to less likely:

  • Handling the opening style within a single process action, for instance on the ‘zoom in on detail’ action type
  • Specifying within the subject or subject variant
  • Specifying for a reference
  • Specifying for a screen type
Updated idea status NewOpen