Add templates with modification options to Code Overview

Related products: Software Factory

Changing and finding certain objects currently is a hassle. If the template is not the object name you have to go to Code Overview find the object, go back to functionality find the control procedure and change the template. When multiple templates are assigned you might have to repeat this process several times. Or when you have to change multiple objects on the same main object (table/task etc.)

Code Overview is a perfect way to get insight in the available objects. Why not give the option to modify the templates directly on this screen, or have a link to the functionality screen? This would save a lot of time and clicking between screens. 

This also makes programming easier since I often have to change the trigger, ctx, layout etc.. on the same object. 

I would like to have a a shortcut to the offending template, would save a lot of user input indeed

I would like this too. 

For this to be available, we first need to support Table-valued functions so we can deprecate the project version selector in the ribbon. Otherwise, you would lose your connection to the correct project version if you switch to functionality and that will be very confusing and un-userfriendly. 

Updated idea status NewOpen
Updated idea status OpenOn the backlog

I also would like the ‘Code overview’ tab as a detail tab of the related SF object. Take for example a task with default and layout. When I add a parameter I have to recreate all program objects (default, layout and task). Also adding code will be easier.   

Maybe you could even go a step further and only recreate the definition of the task and not the complete code group. So we finally come at the point of creating one SF object with all the related program objects.      

As mentioned in this idea, the 2023.2 and up platform versions have tasks that navigate you from a certain screen to a related screen. This also applies to the Code overview screen to the Control procedure screen and Template screen. For more info, please see: 


On the backlogCompleted