Add specification notes to specification text

Related products: Software Factory

For those who use Design specifications in the SF (2018.3), for each specification line one or more notes can be added. I'd like to see them notes merged in the "Specification text" form like shown below. Print the notes in a different color and/or font to see the difference between a specification line and notes made on that particular line.

Perhaps also the posibility to show or not show the notes (checkbox).

Finally, why not using the full width of the form?

Hi Henri,

With the 2019.2 release, most likely this month, design specifications have been overhauled. The structure of the screens will be quite different so I'd like to see if this ideas still relevant for 2019.2+ versions.

Notes can be relevant to several paragraphs but there is no way to express this. Because of this, one of the changes is that the specification is now one text, supplemented by attachments, instead of paragraphs. The idea is that the notes regarding the work to be done are integral to the entire specification, including attachments.