Ability to directly open File Upload field in Task upon opening Task

Related products: Windows GUI Universal GUI

I have a Task where an User can upload a file. Since it's the only field in the Task, the user shouldn't have to click an additional time to select the file. So what I would like it upon selecting the Task and the task screen opening, that automatically the Windows File Explorer screen opens so the user instantly can select the file to be uploaded.

Task and Task screen


Another suggestion could be having a “Drag and Drop” of files on a subject, a bit like Google Drive, executing a task with that (set of) files.

Another suggestion could be having a “Drag and Drop” of files on a subject, a bit like Google Drive, executing a task with that (set of) files.

I like this one too 

I am able to Drag 'n drop onto the File Upload field, but that's requires opening the task, so you idea is pretty good.