Flow with HTTP connector to get SVG image doesn't give any error but also no result
I am querying a public API that returns an SVG. The flow looks fine and doesn't give any error. It cycles through all the records and invokes the API. In a process procedure I update the table with the result. There is no error, how do I find out what is wrong? If I invoke the API manually I get a result.
The result is of content-type: image/svg+xml and is catched with a VARBINARY(MAX)
I tend to think to result is not properly saved or handled.. any ideas?
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It appears that 'Go to first row' and 'Go to next row' don't populate the variables assigned in a flow. when I assign the task the key value then the result is properly saved, but all the others from the table do not. @Erik Brink any ideas here? As we've spoken about flows in the Universal before.
Hi Freddy,
The data returned is SVG data (string). I think this should be captured in a (n)varchar variable, not a varbinary variable as the data hasn't been compressed or converted to binary.
Image taken from Insomnia calling the URL you shared:
Insomnia GET call
I haven't checked to see if Outputting the retrieved content into a varbinary variable does the correct conversion.
Hi Freddy,
What do you expect these variables to do on these kind of actions? They will just move the user to the first/previous/next/last record of the current set.
You can use the ‘Goto row’ or even 'Change filter’ instead for jumping to the desired record. The 'Goto row’ works at its best when navigating by the records Primary Key values.
Kind regards, Erik
Hi Freddy,
What do you expect these variables to do on these kind of actions? They will just move the user to the first/previous/next/last record of the current set.
You can use the ‘Goto row’ or even 'Change filter’ instead for jumping to the desired record. The 'Goto row’ works at its best when navigating by the records Primary Key values.
Kind regards, Erik
The point is that in a go to first_row or go to next_row you can add a variable to the output (key field).. but it doesn't get filled/propagated.. only the start row gets the downloaded SVG.
And what I want is to have a flow that basically cycles through the table and fetches the SVG image for every state that doesn't have one yet. The API only works per state so I need to have a cursor of some kind.
So, to understand the problem correctly. Is the "goto_next” cycle of this flow not executed or is the SVG data not processed in the record is belongs to?
Maybe you could send us a HAR-file (export of the Network tab of the browsers DevTools), so we could exam the calls executed against Indicium. Feel free to send it by mail, because it may contain private information about you application or its user. For our prespective can you send a screenshot of the situation too?
So, to understand the problem correctly. Is the "goto_next” cycle of this flow not executed or is the SVG data not processed in the record is belongs to?
Maybe you could send us a HAR-file (export of the Network tab of the browsers DevTools), so we could exam the calls executed against Indicium. Feel free to send it by mail, because it may contain private information about you application or its user. For our prespective can you send a screenshot of the situation too?
Hi Erik. I will try to reproduce it, already remade the situation in another way.
But yes it's the goto_next cycle that doesn't pass on the PK in the variable assigned. So only the first processing goes correct, because the PK gets filled from the task.. then it should go_to_next and this component should update the PK variable with the PK of the next row. This doesn't happen.
Hi Freddy,
I discussed this with my collegue Vincent and we found out the Universal GUI should provide the active record information to Indicium for these kind of actions and doesn't do this already.
I will create an item on the backlog for this and we will inform you on this topic then this is resolved.
With regards, Erik
This logic will be available in the 2022.2.14 release of the Universal GUI, which is expected to be released on the 30th of September as a beta release.