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Hello everyone,

A breaking change in this release is that identity properties can no longer be set using a default procedure, and the input parameter of an identity column can no longer be used in a process flow. 

We have also improved the error messages for data type violations and the system flow logging. For the Universal GUI, we have added support to limit the available authentication options on Indicium's login page.

You can read more about Indicium's features in the Indicium user manual.

We will keep you updated regularly about Indicium's progress.


About Indicium

Two types of the Thinkwise Indicium Application Tier are available:






Identity column as parameter


To prevent problems, you can no longer set identity properties using a default procedure. Indicium will log a warning and skip the property.

The same applies when the input parameter of an identity column is used in a process flow. Then, too, the value will be skipped.




Authentication provider hints


We have added support for the Universal GUI to allow the limitation of the available authentication options on Indicium's login page. With it, two Universal GUIs on different domains can each show their own authentication options to the user without needing two instances of Indicium or IAM.

For more information, see the Universal GUI 2023.1.13 release notes.




Improved system flow error logging


We have improved the logging of system flows. Previously, it was hard to see when an exception was thrown. In this release, we have added more descriptions about whether it went wrong while starting, executing, or ending the process flow.


Minor fixes and tasks


  • We fixed an issue where patching filenames containing a hashtag to a file storage column would cut off the value at the location of the hashtag character.
    E.g.: "example#file.txt" would end up as "example" inside the resource.


Questions and suggestions

Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!



Hello everyone,

We have released a hotfix for this version of Indicium with version number 2023.1.13.1. This hotfix resolves an issue that would cause Indicium’s error log to be flooded with messages indicating that system flows are already running. This issue could occur when multiple Indiciums were targeting the same IAM database and this IAM database contained system flow schedules.

Our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this issue.