Windows Defender - Recognized Thinkwise as trusted application
Windows Defender doesn’t see Thinkwise Software B.V. (TSF_dotNET.exe) as a trusted app. I don’t know which conditions you need to comply but it would be great if this application is recognized as trusted and the message doesn’t have to shown. It can be confusing for the users.
Windows Defender Smartscreen message Click on the link “More information” to get the following two buttonsChoosing “Do not execute” the following error appears
Once accepted by choosing “Execute” the message will not come again.
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Hey Dennis,
Could it be that the GUI is not extracted with the 7zip tool? This can cause the problems you describe.
Kind regards, Roel
Hey Dennis,
Could it be that the GUI is not extracted with the 7zip tool? This can cause the problems you describe.
I've deleted the GUI folder from the users local cache, downloaded 7-Zip and extracted the .zip file again with the 7-Zip tool. Now the problem is solved. Never been aware that this can make any difference. I assume you advise is to use 7-Zip as standard extract tooling, but is there any logical explanation for it?
Extract all...
Hey Dennis,
The compressed file is flagged as untrusted when downloading it form the internet. When extracting the file with another tool, such as winrar, all files within the compressed file are flagged with an Alternative Data Stream (ADS) called Zone Identifier. This is a ‘feature’ of the NTFS filesystem. Under the hood hidden files are created next to the normal files, which can be shown in the command prompt:
The build in streams utility from Windows Sysinternal provides an easy way to get rid of the Zone Identifiers, including subfolders:
But.. there is an even simpler method!
The reason why we advise to extract with 7-zip is that this tool does not flag the files at all when extracting it. The flag only remains on the compressed file and is not parsed to the files within it.
This is actually a lacking feature in 7-zip, but we like to take advantage of it :)
Hope this clears things up for you and others who are interested!