In our application we have several tables where we want to select a customer. After pressing ctrl + we can select the customer from a lookup field. We have noticed that on many occasions after typing the first 2 or 3 characters, the field refreshes (?) and the cursor is back at the beginning of the field. That results in the problem that when we want to type 123 the input is 312, see screenshot.
We have tried to evade the problem by starting with the focus on a different input field (datefield). To our surprise the focus was set to the customer select field in stead of the date-field. After removing the def-statement that fills the datefield, the focus was on the datefield after pressing ctrl +.
In the last situation we also have troubles typing a date: sometimes the webgui doesn't respond to typing anything, sometimes we can enter one character and then it stops.
We do not have this problem with the desktop gui. We are using platform 2020.1 and webgui 2021.1.10.0.
How do we solve this problem / is this a known bug in the webgui?
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Hi Hugo,
In the Software Factory, what lookup control are you using for this Customer field? And do you happen to use default editable form + auto-save form?
I have experienced an issue (solved in June 2019) in the past with this sort of thing when using Add in list, hence my questions.
Kind regards, Mark Jongeling
Hi Mark,
We are using the standard editable form - not auto save -, the lookup is configured in the variant of the table, as follows:
Which browser (+version) are you using?
My Web GUI colleague suggest trying out the following to see if this only occurs in a specific situation:
Could you try:
Checking if it only happens after typing in the third character? Or does it also respond the same typing in less or more characters. When typing less characters, please wait a few seconds between characters to see if the Web GUI responds to it the correct way.
Navigating to this field by pressing the TAB key. Upon Adding/Editing in the form, select/be active in the first field and then navigate to 'Klant’ by pressing TAB and then try to type 123 again. Does that respond like you expected or does it still result in 312?
Same as 2. but now with waiting in between characters, like 1.
Could you repeat these steps using mouse clicks?
I sadly can't replicate it myself but we would like to hear the results. This way we can see if it only occurs when using the mouse or that is also is the case when using TAB.
The lookup field is the field that receives focus. as said before, we are filling the datefields using the def_procedure and somehow the Klant-field receives the focus. The cursor blinks normally, it does not matter whether I start typing directly or after a while.
When I type 123 at a normal speed the cursor jumps back to the start of the field after typing 2, giving 312 as a result in the lookup field.
When I type 123 at a slow speed the cursor jumps back to the start of the field after the moment I hit the 2, giving 31 as a result in the lookup field. It does not matter how long I wait before hitting the 2, right at that moment the cursor jumps back and it does not add the character 2 in the field.
when i type real fast the result is 412 (the 3 is skipped)
I have navigated with the tab and shift tab to go back to the lookup field. It does not give any problems, the result is 123.
3) No problems, result is 123.
4) No problem.
In a different table/form we have the same problem but with the datefield. The datefield is empty and receives the focus. When I type one character (2 for example), the cursor disappears and I am not able to enter a second character. When I hit enter the date in this example is filled with 02-01-2021. When I give another field the focus (with mouse or buttons) the problem is no longer existing.
All in all it looks it evolves around the field receiving the focus after ctrl +.
I am using Chrome:
Google Chrome is up to date
Version 88.0.4324.104 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Hi Hugo,
I have created an issue in your name in TCP under issue number: 79707
Feel free to add more information and/or attachments. When a solution has been found or implemented, it will be added here in this thread.
EDIT: Issues have been resolved in the Web GUI version 2021.1.17