I’m getting a “Scheduled process flow requires user input” validation. I started the process flow with a task but I will schedule this flow.
So I deleted the task from the process flow, and there are only decisions and http connectors left. But the validation still gives this message.
We’re on 2021.2 with SF.
What can I do?
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Hi Edwin,
It might be that the Decision node is not recognized as a System flow action in the Validation; I vaguely recall a problem with that. Could you check in the Maintenance detail tab screen of Validation and search for validation: val_scheduled_process_flow_with_user_input . It should also list process_action_type 100. Underwater, that is a Decision node.
If that is not the problem, have you tried regenerating the project and thereafter rerun the validations?
If still not solved, would you mind sharing a photo of the process actions of the given process flow and share the Validation code of validation "val_scheduled_process_flow_with_user_input ”?
Hope this helps and thanks!
Hi Mark,
See below the process flow. The task is in the process flow at the moment to be able to run it anyhow.
But if I delete the task, the validation about ‘user input is requred’ still remains.
And this is the detail of the validation message.
I nowhere see a process_action_type. However if open the debugger in the SF I’m getting this query.
EXEC ctx_validation @active_target_ref_id = null, @project_id = 'ERP', @project_vrs_id = '1.84', @validation_id = 'val_scheduled_process_flow_with_user_input', @validation_description = N'Scheduled process flow requires user input', @validation_grp_id = 'process_flows', @validation_type = 5, @default_enabled = 1, @order_no = 3620, @abs_order_no = 7, @type_of_object = 29, @severity = 0, @allow_approve = 0, @validation_code = N'insert into validation_msg ( project_id, project_vrs_id, validation_id, pk_col_1, pk_col_2, pk_col_3, pk_col_4, pk_col_5, pk_col_6, pk_col_7, generated, insert_user, insert_date_time, update_user, update_date_time ) select @project_id, @project_vrs_id, @validation_id, @project_id as pk_col_1, @project_vrs_id as pk_col_2, p.process_flow_id as pk_col_3, null as pk_col_4, null as pk_col_5, null as pk_col_6, null as pk_col_7, 1, dbo.tsf_user(), sysdatetime(), dbo.tsf_user(), sysdatetime() from process_flow_schedule p where p.project_id = @project_id and p.project_vrs_id = @project_vrs_id and exists ( select 1 from process_action pa where pa.project_id = p.project_id and pa.project_vrs_id = p.project_vrs_id and pa.process_flow_id = p.process_flow_id and pa.process_action_type not in ( 98, -- start 99, -- stop 100, -- decision 560, -- oauth_login_connector 580, -- appl_connector 590, -- db_connector 600, -- http_connector 610, -- ftp_connector 620, -- smtp_connector 630, -- read_file_connector 640, -- write_file_connector 650, -- move_file_connector 660, -- delete_file_connector 670, -- create_folder_connector 680, -- move_folder_connector 690, -- delete_folder_connector 700, -- conv_json_to_xml 710, -- conv_xml_to_json 720, -- copy_file_connector 730, -- copy_folder_connector 800, -- Get AutoML training options 810, -- Train AutoML regression model 820, -- Train AutoML classification model 850) -- Execute AutoML model )', @executed = 1, @verified = 1, @generated = 1, @insert_user = 'wooncentrum\edwins', @insert_date_time = '2022-01-17 15:53:34.899', @update_user = 'wooncentrum\edwins', @update_date_time = '2022-01-17 15:53:34.899', @generated_by_control_proc_id = null, @ref_validation_validation_msg_type = 0, @mark_validation_verified_type = 2
Based on this query I created the following query
use sf
declare @project_id varchar(20)= 'erp'
, @project_vrs_id varchar(20) = '1.84'
p.project_id as pk_col_1,
p.project_vrs_id as pk_col_2,
p.process_flow_id as pk_col_3,
from process_flow_schedule p
join process_action pa on pa.project_id = p.project_id
Mark, The 570 process action type is not allowed in a system flow…. that’s really annoying because Exact tokens do have an expire within 10 minutes.
So i included in my process flow a call to update the tokens if the expiration date/time is passed. That works great if I start the flow from a task. Why is it not allowed to refresh tokens in a system flow?
Hi Edwin,
That is a problem in the Software Factory, the OAuth login connector cannot be used inside system flows as it may need user input but the OAuth Refresh token connector should, of course, be usable in system flows.
Would you mind creating a ticket for this? Then our Software Factory team can solve this thoroughly as this system flow action check is used at multiple places in the SF.
Thank you for the ticket Edwin, we have started creating a hotfix for this issue. Luckily only the validation itself has the problem; synchronization to IAM will still succeed as in that process the correct process action is listed.
After an internal check, it will be released. Sorry for the inconvenience but thanks for improving the Software Factory!
Mark, this means that I can ignore this message and synchronize anyhow? The message should have no effect on the system flow in IAM?
Mark, this means that I can ignore this message and synchronize anyhow? The message should have no effect on the system flow in IAM?
That is correct, as far as I can see the system flow would be synced in whole to IAM; so with the OAuth refresh token connector.