Hello all,
Thanks to
Access to the authentication-cookies | Thinkwise Community (thinkwisesoftware.com)

off course, the next question is, how to update any changes I make in this custom screen back to the database.
I was testing the addition of a newly created link between to entities using a post request as described in the documentation here
And if I understand this documentation about Resource staging , I wouldn´tt have to bother about it.
I´m using insomnia as an API tester with basic authentication:
method: POST
url: https://prova.lef.tec.br/indicium/sf/esm/service_task_dependency
JsonBody: {
"tenant_id": 1,
"service_id": 1106,
"service_task_id": 743,
"previous_service_task_id": 740,
"connection_type": 0,
"tsf_user": "PROVA\tiago",
"transaction_date": "2023-01-19T11:29:27.067Z"
I only get a 403 message.
CAn someone shed a Light on what I´m doing wrong?