Universal exec tsf_message does not use translation
We have an application running Dutch and English as languages but it seems that universal uses the English translations when we show a message via the tsf_send_message functionality.
Our code is as follows:
exec tsf_send_message 'message_key', null, 0
Did we miss something?
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Hello Kasper,
Can you update your Indicium to version 2022.2.14.1? It is possible that the hotfix which we have released yesterday solves this problem. If not, then we’ll have to look into the problem in some more detail.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your reply Vincent, I've just upgraded to the latest version of Indicium (2022.2.14.1) and Universal (2022.2.14.0) and the issue still occurs.
Hello Kasper,
Can you provide me with the following information:
1. The language of the logged in user, as it is configured in IAM.
2. The languages that are available for the application in question (run the query below on IAM with the correct application ID)
select gui_appl_id, appl_lang_id from i_core_appl_lang where gui_appl_id = ?
3. The fallback language for that same application:
select gui_appl_id, fallback_appl_lang_id from i_core_gui_appl where gui_appl_id = ?
Hi Vincent,
Thanks! The issue indeed was that the IAM setting for this user was set to ENG instead of Dutch. What I don't understand yet is why does that affect the messages but not the rest of the application? I load the application model from the SF (on our dev server) and I expected that all translations would come from the same source.
The user language in IAM and SF for this user is set to NL
SF In IAM the language for this user was set to ENG. IAM
App languagues are:
fallback is: IAMSF
Hello Kasper,
Thank you for the additional information.
I expected that all translations would come from the same source.
That makes sense. Strictly speaking, Indicium is in the wrong here, it should look at a user’s language in the SF when the application model is loaded from the SF. However, this has not been implemented, Indicium only looks at the user settings in IAM.
We have made note of this issue and we will look into fixing it in a future version. I don’t expect that we will work on it very soon because it only affects development environments, there’s an easy way to work around the problem and realistically, the two languages should have been in sync anyway.