We have a screen where the user is able to respond to some questions, after the user response, he can click the task "Next" in order to start the handler code.
We are doing this combination in order to have the editable fields directly available and to not be required to open a task for it.
The thing is that the Next task is a ghost task which is triggering the handler for the auto-edit section only if there are some changes. (usually from what we observed, also the default is working that way, until you do not change something in a field and focus out, is not triggered).
The problem for us is that for some questions, the answers can be prefilled from previous questions and the user needs to just skip that question by clicking Next, thing which will not work because there is no actually change of the fields since are prefilled.
We can and have something to automatically skip the question if is answered, but for this case, it will be a bit unhandy since there could be multiple questions answered one after another and this will overcomplicate the code we think.
Do you have any suggestion how to "start" the handler without making an actual change?