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For our application JP-Bouwmanagement we are using thirth party Scrive for digital signing documents (PDF). We are using a task and the HTTP connector (via Process Flows).

When start the task from the Windows GUI, the Scrive API call is executed properly. All the task parameters that are provided to the HTTP connector are fine. But in the web GUI it fails. Since we do not have the “Process Flow Monitor” available in the web GUI, I have no clue why this fails.

What can we do to find out what causes the problem?

Hi Johan,

This could be caused by a Firewall on the Web server. You can look at the firewall settings if a connection gets blocked. Most easy way is to run the application with the Windows GUI on the Web server. That way the Windows GUI is subjected to the same firewall settings as the Web GUI as now they are running on the same server/client. Could you try that out?

Hi Mark,

I did run the Windows GUI on the web server. So the firewall is not the problem then I guess. Other suggestions?

Hi Johan,

If you did use the pool user account of the Web GUI and also tried it with this user on the Win GUI and the problem persist, then it's best to create a ticket in TCP. Please provide a reproduction environment for us to reproduce the issue. That way we can debug the problem and see where it goes wrong. 

Side note; what version of the Web/Windows GUI are you using and which platform version are you currently using?

Maybe the logfiles can tell something more?

It was difficult to find the issue, but I found it. The problem was in IAM. I forgot to set rights for the IAM user (in IAM) for the process flow. My mistake!
