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 Hi community,

Im running into a issue where I cant get my task to work how I like to. I written down the information below.

What do I want?

I want a popup task with lookups where I can select a year and a supplier. The supplier and year should correspond with eachother. For instance, supplier 2047 should show 2024 and 2025, while 1990 should only show 2024. Lastly 2000 should only show 2025.


Supplier id












What have I tried?

Making direct lookups to bonus completion in order to get the supplier_id and calendar_year, this didnt work as expected

Create views with lookups for calendar year and supplier.

Use the views and bonus completion table lookups in order to get corresponding records. (tried a collection of variations of this solution)

Tried relationships between views and tables in combination with lookups.



How should it work?

I want to be able to select the year first, that filters out the suppliers that have records for the selected year.

  1. select year
  2. select supplier
    1. The suppliers should be filtered based on year selection.


Any help is greatly appreciated!

Versioninformation: 2024.2.13

No one?

To do this you create a view with all possible year, supplier combinations. 

Then in the task create a lookup reference on the year. Then create a 2nd lookup reference on year and supplier. 


Lookup from year to the year column of the view will give you all available years: 


Lookup from year and name to year and name of the view. Will give you all name’s for the selected year: 
and then the 2nd parameter will be filtered on the first: 



Thank you Erwin, I’ll try this later today.

Hi again, 

Your solution worked partially, it was missing a second view to group the calendar years else you’d have a quantity of years equal to the amount of rows. For example, 5 suppliers in 2024 would result in 5 rows with 2024. In order to solve that I’ve created a second view that stores the calendar years. Now it works. 

Thank you for your time and effort.
