Table / task / report is reachable in mobile validation
We've enabled the platform 'Mobile' in the SF, because we're planning on using the Universal GUI as the client for mobile devices. This gives us some validations messages, on which I assume only apply on the 'old' Mobile GUI because the Universal GUI is lazy loaded.
The following validations are shown:
- Table is reachable in mobile - Task is reachable in mobile - Report is reachable in mobile, this is not yet supported
As we're not going to use the 'old' Mobile GUI, I could approve them, but I assume it better to solve the root cause. But I can't find where it's defined that a table / task / report is 'reachable'. In the Validations I did find it's stored in the table reachable_tab, reachable_task and reachable_report, but how can I access those tables in the SF?
We could use "Universal" instead of Mobile as platform, but I think it's better to keep that slot free for when moving from the Web GUI to Universal.
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Interested in the answer to this as well since we've just started working on Universal for mobile.
Hi René,
Sorry for the late reply. In the SF under Menus, there's a task called 'Investigate reachable objects’. This task can be used to find any reachable objects. You can select 'Mobile’ as platform:
Task: Investigate reachable objects
To answer: 'In the Validations I did find it's stored in the table reachable_tab, reachable_task and reachable_report, but how can I access those tables in the SF?’. These table are not directly visible in the SF. You can access the tables via SQL Server Management Studio for example. The platform columns shows a number that represents:
0 = Windows
1 = Web
2 = Mobile
3 = Universal
The reason the validation occurs is that in the validation the platform is not specifically used to determine if something is reachable or not. The Mobile GUI has some difficulty handling a lot of reachable objects and also in the deployment is could cause troubles, hence the validations will occur even if you made sure not too many object were reachable in Mobile.
What you could do is set 'Default enabled’ to off in Quality → Validation → Maintenance → val_tab_reachable_in_mobile, val_task_reachable_in_mobile and val_report_reachable_in_mobile. You have to change these values in the base project 'Validations’.
I do recommend making a new project version of the base project for this and connecting this version to you work project via Project overview → Project versions → Base projects
So, if you are not using the Mobile GUI and see these validation appear, don't be alarmed
I hope this helps you out!
Kind regards, Mark Jongeling
Hi Rene,
What do you mean by this exactly?
We could use "Universal" instead of Mobile as platform, but I think it's better to keep that slot free for when moving from the Web GUI to Universal.
Hi Rene,
What do you mean by this exactly?
We could use "Universal" instead of Mobile as platform, but I think it's better to keep that slot free for when moving from the Web GUI to Universal.
Good question, now I think about it, we shouldn't distinct between Mobile GUI and Universal in the first place I think. Because the Mobile GUI is the Universal GUI (should be managed by roles, not by a platform choice). And the Web GUI should be in the future be replaced by the Universal GUI.