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Is it already possible to start a process flow when leaving a field a form in edit mode and auto-commit enabled?

I searched in documentation for this and did not find anything.

Hi Harm,

In a test model a while back I did manage to do something like that. The Auto commit saves the row, so if you have a process flow that runs with a Edit row process action, the auto commit then triggers that Edit row process action. Even possible to do this in a loop with, for example, a Generative AI provider process action in that loop.

Method I used was a regular screen, then press the Edit button to start the flow (Edit row), then save to trigger the loop, use a Chat completion, then go back to the Edit row action and map the results. Cancelling the edit will stop the flow.

Edit button triggers Edit row, Save triggers Green arrow, Cancel triggers red arrow



Good suggestion! I tried it, but it doesn’t work, it ends up in a never ending loop. 

I think our scenario is slightly different.

Actually, this is wat we want:

Any more suggestions?


Strange, I’m quite sure this was a working process flow back then. Currently not sufficient time to test it out. To refresh a detail I would add a Refresh table to the flow above for example. I haven't used auto commit that frequently yet so I don't know the answer I'm afraid.

I will try a few more thinks too. But one more thing I need to be sure of, does auto-commit also work in the Windows GUI?


does auto-commit also work in the Windows GUI?

It does not. Only the Universal GUI supports auto-commit.

Ok then, clear, I leave it for now. I assume it will be possible as soon as we move to Universal with this application.
