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I am trying to do something like this;


According to the documentation change filters should not start an Universal flow, but it should start a system flow, and how else then a user changing the filters could a flow be started?


So, what I try to do is not to use the step to change the filters but to get the result of the user doing so, but nothing happens.

Am I missing something or is this just not possible?

What I want is to know the selection so that I can apply the same selection to a report on the page, while the page is based on another Query.

I’m also wondering if the report would be filtered when based on the same subject / table as the user is viewing?

Being able to run a task on all the rows within the current selection ( not those selected by the user could also help ), as I manage to only output the report based on the users selection in the grid, but I would also like to create and option comparable to the export option;




Hi Daan,

All attempt you described are not supported at the moment.

The best way to work with a record selection of a user is to trigger task execution of Excel export afterwards. The advantage of task execution is that a processflow can be triggered by this. You can use the task to store the records in a temporary table for example. 

This article might be helpful too to prevent the need of a temporary table:

These are your only options to use the user selection atm. 

Universal should support triggering a processflow after changing filters. Indicium doesn't know about this user action. So this is not an option now.

If you like to have more options, please create a community idea for it.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Erik Brink

  • Thank you,

    Yes, I’m using the multi row task execution at the moment and that works. But the user has to select the rows and that becomes a problem if there are multiple pages.

    I found that there is a way to almost do what I want;

    1) Create a subject with one row for the user and make the form look like a filter bar.
    2) Set auto save, auto edit, hide buttons to on.
    3) Create a default procedure with the text; “set @auto_commit = 1”.
    4) Show the page as a detail of this “filter form subject” and filter the view with the settings in the form.

    Pre-filters could be simulated with task buttons but look different.

    The only problem is that it is impossible to put the “task prefilters” at the right location on the screen. The task bar “wants” to be full width.

Can you please post a screenshot to show how it looks like now? And what do you prefer to put put there instead?
