Software Factory 2021.3 | Validation Datamodel - Domain default value is not between minimum and maximum
After upgrading the SF to 2021.3 we've got the following validation: "Domain default value is not between minimum and maximum” which means that a synchronization to our end application is not possible.
Solution Check the min., max. and default values of the domain and modify one or more of them Related object "No data available”Job log information Error converting data type varchar to numeric
How can I find the datatype related tot the validation message to fix the problem?
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Hi Dennis,
These validations check the Domain default value, Element value and the Task parameter default value. It looks like there's a Varchar domain with min and max values. Also in your list of Validations I see the validation regarding Task parameter default value not being between min and max value. Maybe check that one out to see more detail. I suspect that there lies the problem. It could be the case that the domain has changed and that caused all kinds of trouble.
With the following query you can see which Task and parameter is the problem:
select t.project_id, t.project_vrs_id, t.task_id, p.task_parmtr_id, p.dom_id, p.default_value, d.min_value, d.max_value, case dt.dttp_type when 0 then 'numeric' --Excluded in query but just for overview when 1 then 'alphanumeric' when 2 then 'date' when 3 then 'time' when 4 then 'date_time' when 5 then 'boolean' when 6 then 'binary' when 7 then 'guid' end as dttp_type from task t join task_parmtr p on p.project_id = t.project_id and p.project_vrs_id = t.project_vrs_id and p.task_id = t.task_id join dom d on d.project_id = p.project_id and d.project_vrs_id = p.project_vrs_id and d.dom_id = p.dom_id join dttp dt on dt.dttp_id = d.dttp_id where p.default_value is not null and (d.min_value is not null or d.max_value is not null) and dt.dttp_type <> 0 --Not numeric
Hope this helps!
Hi Mark,
I've used the query you posted but this resulted in no rules.
Result - 0 rows
I found a domain (e.g. channels_channelcounter) with a Default constant value "0” while no domain element is present.
Domains Default constant value “0”
When I check the Usage we doesn't use the default domain value but an existing element value.
Columns Default constant value “1”
So I have not been able to solve the validation “Error converting data type varchar to numeric” yet. I would like to hear how I can find out which datatypes the SF is trying to convert from varchar to numeric.
Hi Dennis,
Looking at the function code, it is strange that you get this error at all:
Numeric check - Return 0 (False)
We do need to take a closer look at this as it's hard to figure out why it suddenly gives these errors. Could you create a TMS ticket for this and supply a backup of your SF database? That way we can find the issue and solve it for you.
In the meanwhile what you can check is all Default, Min and Max values and see if there's any use of Text in any of these fields. Good to check are Datetime fields with a default value of 'getdate()’ ← This should be a Default value expression for example.
TMS ticket has been created. Current status: On the backlog