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Hello! Is there any way we can resize the task tiles? We want to make them smaller.


Hi DenisaViulet,

To my knowledge, it is not possible to resize these tiles at the moment. How small do you intend to make them? 


Not very small, just to resize them a bit because we have a lot of tasks and it is taking a lot of space in the screen and if we resize the bar we have to scroll through them.

It does look like if the component has little space, it gets resized/squashed:

Detail tile, but basically the same as a task tile

Feel free to create an idea. The current size looks to be 120px by 120px although this is dependent on the screen size and component splitters. 

Yes, we can set the screen component to have a smaller size and only see the icons and the text as a tooltip for now, but we have to see if this works for all of the screens. Thank you!