We have a task which re-calculates an invoice based on new dates the user can input.
this sometimes results in a record that no longer should be shown under the filters active on the screen.
we would like to immediately hide these records when the task concludes. is this possible, and if so how would I go about making it happen?
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Hi Chris,
The task can refresh the Subject upon executing. This can be set up by going into the Software Factory → Tasks → your task] → Table Tasks and then selecting the value 'Subject’ for the field 'Refresh after execute’:
Subject will be refreshed after the task
Let me know if this helped!
Kind regards, Mark Jongeling
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your answer
However as it turns out, the setting described above was already set. and when the task completes successfully the refresh does happen. this leads me to believe that what I thought was a simple message window is actually an error message:
meaning the task might not complete and never get to the refresh stage even though the record is updated and would fall outside of the filter settings.
Correct Chris, this could be the issue indeed. If tsf_send_message is used in combination with is_abort = 1, I believe the Subject will not refresh.
If you still wish the list would be refreshed, you can create a Process flow that starts when you execute the Table Task and that after execution always will Refresh the correct subject. (Start → Execute Table Task → Refresh → Stop)
Hi Mark,
that did the trick, thanks for your help
Question is if this error is an actual error or if it should be a message, where the abort indicator is set to 0. This way, the procedure finishes without an error and the screen should refresh as well.
I think a message like ‘no activities to declare’ is not an error. Nothing went wrong. There is just nothing to do. You could even argue that this can be checked in the context procedure, so the task-button is greyed-out.