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One of our users reported that filtering does not work in the web GUI. It is possible to use the search bar, but they also want to filter per column. I might remember it incorrectly, but I thought that would be possible in the web GUI by using the quick filter. I’ve checked the documentation:

And it states the following:

Is there another possibility to enable this type of filtering? And what might cause the ‘technical limitations’ in this case.


This is not the Web GUI, but the Universal GUI

Can you tell what domain and control the field is using? 

Thank you for correcting me.

The issue with the quick filter is fixed! We overlooked something minor.

But another question was raised: Is it possible to filter per column like in the Windows GUI?

We tried checking the documentation and we’re not sure if it’s still in development or (again) overlooked by us. 

Hi Ezgi,

This is called Excel style filtering, which does have a spot on the backlog to be implemented. When exactly is unsure for now: 


Thank you Mark.

We will wait patiently until it is implemented.