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Previewer options

Harm Horstman

For a new customer, we must be able to show DWG (AutoCAD) files with the previewer.

According to the previewer component manufacturer's website, it is possible.

But it doesn't work within our Thinkwise application. Can this be enabled?

A second wish is the ability to see and download attachments in msg files. Can this also be enabled?


Best answer by Anne Buit

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Anne Buit
Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • April 17, 2023

Hi Harm,

The component you are referring to is used by the Web GUI which is currently in the End of Development phase. Enabling this feature in Web implies this feature must also be implemented in the Indicium + Universal stack on rather short notice. For formal support of DWG files for the entire platform, please submit an idea to the ideation section.

In the meanwhile, is it an option to convert these files to an HTML format yourself using a service/library?

Harm Horstman

Thank you Anne, I have submitted an idea for this.

Sorry, but converting DWG to HTML ourself sounds not like a low-code approach, or am I wrong?

Please note,
Phasing out the WebGUI is a great goal, but in our opinion the Universal GUI is still far from being functionally equivalent. I do believe that Indicium with Universal are technically more advanced, but our end users do not experience the use of the Universal GUI as pleasant at all. The user experience will soon have to get much better.



Anne Buit
Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • June 8, 2023

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