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I have a pre filter. In the model I have had it as 'Off', while using it via the API document?$prefilter=document_to_scan .. it gave me no return (as expected).  In the model I changed it to 'Off hidden'..  as to I don't want to see it.  Now the API gives me all documents, it doesn't listen to the pre-filter anymore. When I change it to 'Off' again it works again as expected. 

Is this intended behavior? 

In procesflows this is intended behavior. As soon as its off-hidden you can’t change it’s state with a flow. I suppose that also goes for API’s.

Hello ​@Freddy,

This is intended behavior, yes. ‘Hidden’ is both a UI concept (i.e. the prefilter is not shown) and an authorization concept (i.e. the user cannot influence this). Indicium will refuse all user input regarding hidden prefilters, regardless of their On or Off state.

Disallowing a user to turn on a Hidden prefilter may seem senseless, and in some cases it is, but there situations where it makes sense to have this kind of authorization on an Off prefilter. For example, if the prefilter is part of an OR prefilter group, then turning a prefilter On actually increases your data set, rather than restricting it. You could have a mandatory OR prefilter group containing Red, Green and Blue and set Red to Off Hidden for users that are never allowed to see Red.

In other situations there isn't a good reason to disallow users to restrict their data set, but Indicium handles all situations the same way. I think the underlying Idea of this question is the separation of UI and authorization settings for prefilters.
