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Hi there,

for a client we have multiple interfaces to access the same application. Currently we're running two URLS


Both interfaces use the universal interface. Client wan't to implement OpenID for the staff to use.

How do I configure the Universal interface to only show the local account login and not the OpenID feature?

Can't seem to find this answer in the documentation.

With kind regard,
Bas van Ginkel


Hi Bas,

Out-of-the-box there is only one solution for this - and it is a bit hairy. You can find the solution here:

An idea was raised for a more elegant solution:

That solution is indeaad a bit hairy. Don't know if I can convince the client to go for that. Especially as both Universal GUI's need to access the same application.

The hairy solution would mean we need to have a split brain approach, one IAM containing all client users, one IAM containing all staff users and never the two shall meet while working inside the same application.

It would also greatly increase the difficulty in managing users an maintaining a sane deployment process in the future. 

This issue is being worked on via another thread