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We use Universal and have reports with the report action "Print preview". When opening these reports the browser sometimes blocks the print preview pop-up.

I see that Chrome by default blocks pop-ups and redirects. When I add the site in Chrome to the list of allowed sites to send pop-ups and use redirects, the print preview pop-up isn't occasionally blocked anymore. I find it strange though that the pop-up is working while the browser is set to block pop-ups.

Is there a way to prevent the occasional block of pop-ups when the users has not allowed pop-ups?

If not, is it possible to detect and notify that the user has pop-ups blocked, because in Chrome its not clearly shown a pop-up has been blocked.

Or is there an other solution for this issue?

Hey Pierius,

I have seen other website been able to detect whether or not a popup is blocked/shown to the user. We might also be able to do that. Feel free to create an idea for that.

I would assume adding the website/domain of Universal to the trusted list or the allow pop-up lost would result in them being shown. Not sure how this works exactly though.

Hi Mark,
I’ve made an idea for this issue: