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I tried to install the Windows GUI 2025.1.11 that was shipped with the package download 2025.1 but after installing I get above mentioned error. After installing the previous version, 2025.1.10, everything works just fine. I also do not see a Product update entry for the .11 version. Is this released / stable  ?

I tried 2 different platform versions, works perfectly fine. Can you try re-downloading the gui? Perhaps something went wrong during the download process. I’m not sure why there is no product update for this version. I will contact our development team to find out the reason behind this and will get back to you asap. 

I have downloaded the Windows Gui version .11 and it works as it should. After checking the differences I can confirm that the original download package had several folders/files missing in the download.

Then it seems the download was corrupt. Good to hear the .11 works as it should. By the way the product update was added shortly after this post, but you might have already found it. 

@Erwin Ekkel is there a way to verify the download was a complete set? I remember I had this also and the most awkward thing was, the installation seemed to be succesfull but it was missing certain DLL’s which were only giving errors when running the application and go to certain screens. It took me a day or two to find out that the problem was in what I got delivered from your service and not on our end.

Since we (as users) do not know and cannot know what a complete set is, it is very hard to determine if it actually is complete. A checksum would be one solution.


@Hugo Nienhuis Apologies that this happened! We'll investigate how this could have happened and see if we can fix this.

@Ricky We'll definitely work on making the downloading products functionality more robust.

Customers shouldn't have to worry about Product downloads being complete/incomplete.
