Hello Harm,
While IAM can handle multiple sf instances, it is a known issue that only one SF can have that project tab.
A workaround is that a user only sees one of those sf instances via user rights.
If you believe this feature has a lot of value in your scenario, i would suggest to create a TCP issue.
I hope this answer your question.
Thank you Edo,
I managed to get it working, with multiple user accounts. This is a nice workround, it works reasonably well in my situation where I am the only developer.
I put a wish into TCP (# 76879).
In the 2023.1 version of the Software Factory the way projects/project versions are managed will be changed. This change includes the removal of the project tab that Edo mentions in his response.
The way a project will be selected within the Software Factory will change, which opens up the possibility of having multiple SF instances within one IAM, without the aforementioned issue of not being able to select a project.
A sneak preview of all intended changes can be found in the following blog:
Also keep an eye out for any future blogs on this topic, which will follow as we continue development