Reading a response by Arie I saw the mention of “Start empty with filter” option that on can use on Subject. Excited that this is seemingly working in Universal, I tried the feature. The result is however different than what I was expecting.
Windows GUI:
When opening a screen from the menu, you will have it load without results and a Filter Form popup will happen.

You can choose to straight away filter or click “OK” without entering filter data. In the last situation all the data will load as if you had never chosen to enable the option “Start empty with filter”.
Universal GUI:
When opening a screen from the menu, you will have it load without results and it will show a text in the grid “Use find or filter to view data”.

I have to open the Filter Form myself if I want to use it or start using the Combined Filter.
So far this is acceptable even though it works a bit different. The part where it does not actually do what I would like, is that I can never get the full data show anymore. After I have filtered and cleared that filter, it will show the result as the screenshot again and not the complete data.
Is this intentional?
The purpose to want to use this feature is speed up the initial loading of the screen and most people need/want to filter, but would still like the option to see data when the filter is cleared.