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We recently downloaded the Windows GUI 2022.2.16.1. When we are now changing a checkbox in an editable grid (row by row), the first click only results in selecting the row (focus). We need to click again to get the checkbox checked. In our previous GUI (2022.1.18), this could be done with one click. Is there a reason for this change? Or is there a solution to prevent an extra click? 

Hi Mark. To be honest I also think this is a change in behavior of the GUI. The same is happening in SF. Take for example the tab to change the default sorting of a subject. Before it was possible to click the checkboxes in one go. Now after clicking a checkbox you first need to select the next row and then click the checkbox. In other words checking boxes now takes 2 clicks per row instead of 1.

We have the same problem and for end users this is very annoying when they have to fill in many checklists every day.


I am quite certain this is a bug. Could you create a ticket for this? One ticket is sufficient 😉
