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Inside the Software factory it is possible to enable importing on a table even when that same table does not have permissions to CRUD. This creates a conflict because without those permissions I can’t import, yet I can start the import task up to the point where I can select an importtype. It will throw an error.

In relation to above I’ve been trying to hide the CRUD buttons while maintaining the import functionality, is this possible?

What Ive tried myself is:

  • Deactivating permissions > breaks import
  • Hidding the button types in the lay > breaks import

If it’s possible, how? If it’s not possible why is the import task available when the buttons are hidden / permissions are off.

Hi ​@Dennis1690,

Is it possible that you're using an older platform version? I can't quickly find in which version this was improved, but I know that in older versions, this was less strictly enforced.

In the current platform version, the import-permission checkbox is unchecked and made read-only when the add- and update-permissions are disabled.

Yes we’re running on an older SF, we will be upgrading soon. Thank you for answerring.

To answer my own question about maintaining import functionality in conjunction with disabled buttons. I’ve used @import_mode = 0 to disable the buttons when navigating the GUI. When the user clicks import @import_mode = 0 fails and enables the permissions again.
