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Would like to check is there a way to update the configuration in IAM when creating a user, when we're using a process flow?



Is there a settings that I can put to update the Configuration to any of the option below automatically? 




 Hi ​@Jheng,

If it's always the same value you want to use, you can set the default in IAM here: Advanced menu > group Master data > User preference availability.

Does this answer your question sufficiently?

Hi ​@Jeroen van den Belt ,


I have tried setting up the advance config to make Move a default option.

But it doesn't work when I create from my application.  In IAM Yes, when I create manually, I can see that it is defaulted to Move, but that is not my intention.

Note that I have a task process to create a user, so this will create application user and also create user in IAM, it's part of the flow.



Thank you.



@Jheng If I understand you correctly, you want to also set the “Configuration” when you create the User in IAM through your flow.

The column for that is “write_back_usr_pref_type_id”. In your case “Move”, so that means the value 3. (Be sure to check if that value 3 is the same in your case)




In case an older platform (< 2024): the column will be “write_back_up_type_id”.
