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I refer to the following, as documented in the IAM documentation:

Default user groups | Thinkwise Documentation (

We need this feature for testing purposes to prevent to have to make a new release, time after time, to use our newly made user groups and roles in our test environment.

When I want to make use of the task button, to import new user groups and newly made roles in IAM,

it used to work as documented. We have upgraded our Thinkwise application to a next version. After this, I can no longer add newly made user groups and their new roles.

However, if I remove the new user groups in IAM, and use the task, the task will pick up the default user groups which had been made in the previous SF branch version. I presume this is some version conflict between the SF and the IAM. However, I don't know the root cause and I do not know how to solve this.

I hope you can help me out.

With kind regards,

Erwin van Grimbergen


Hi Erwin,

I don't see any changes done that could impact the task like you are experiencing. Since 2023.1, we only changed the way messages are returned to the application.

The task adds User groups that do not exist and links any provisioned roles to the user groups that are not there yet keeping in mind any setup limited module authorization if used.

Once you have set up or changed Default user groups and the linked roles in the Software Factory, you will need to synchronize the branch to IAM. That way the default user groups and roles are present in IAM. Thereafter, with this task, you can provision them. One thing I can think of is that you sync a branch under a different name than the application that you are provisioning for.

Hope this helps!

Hello Mark,

Indeed, the step to synchronize with IAM was not taken into account. Possibly, it could be helpful if it would be documented, that this is necessary to get it done.

We have made a new Test branch dedicated to test roles. After creation and configuration of a test user in IAM and the new Test branch, I have assigned this user to a test user group. So now I can test all possible (combinations of) newly made roles, making use of the task as documented. (After synchronization with IAM within the given branch.)

Works like a charm; thanks for your quick response back!