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I would like to check if there a way to put a hyperlink on each value of the fields?

I have an table or an entity using a grid component, I would like to add a hyperlink on the value of fields to redirect to another table./ subject or subject variant.



Table 2, shows the reference no, this table has reference to Table 1. I would like to add hyperlink to each reference

Table 2

Table 2

And once click it will redirect a Table 1/subject or variant, pointing to the reference no.

Table 1

Table 1



Please advice. I would appreciate if anyone could help or have suggestion for this behaviour.

Thank you

Hi ​@Jheng ,

Basically, there is no need to work with hyperlinks, as the Thinkwise platform already provides the ability to open another screen and navigate to a row whose value matches the value from the selected row using a process flow. 

Of course, this process flow needs to be initiated in some way, which you can do by starting a task.

Here’s what you could do:

  • Set up a task

    • Create a task, where a double-click task might be preferable.
    • Create a task parameter, in this example I will use the name ‘reference’.
    • Link the task to the table.
    • Link the task parameter to the column ‘reference’. This ensures that the task can take over the value from the column.
  • Set up a process flow

    • Create the process flow itself.
    • Create a process variable named 'reference'. Use the same domain as the column ‘reference’ uses in the table.
    • Choose 'Start table task' as the start process action, specifying the relevant table and the newly created task.
    • Now, link the task parameter 'reference' to the process variable 'reference' under ‘Output’ > ‘Task parameters’. This ensures that the process variable takes over the value from the task parameter.
    • Then, add a 'Open document' process action, specifying the table (with an optional table variant) that needs to be opened.
    • Finally, add a 'Go to row' process action, where you can map the 'reference' column to the process variable 'reference' under 'Input' > 'Columns'. This ensures that the GUI knows which row to navigate to.
    • Optionally, add a 'Change filters' process action if you also want to filter on the row instead of just selecting it. Here, too, you can map the relevant column to the variable under 'Input' > 'Columns'.

Optionally, as a final step, you could consider adding an icon in the grid or applying a conditional layout to visually indicate that a (double-click) task is available and mapped to the ‘reference’ column.

Please let me know if this helps.

Hi ​@Jeroen van den Belt ,


Thank you for the suggestion, I will try to do this and let you know if I still have any concern.


Thank you

Hi ​@Jeroen van den Belt ,


I tried this methos already, but it works if you are navigating on the same table.

But if you are coming from another table or module, and want to open another page, it doesn't work.


Also, how can i remove the task button like below, since its a double click on the row, I don't expect to see any task button, but rather the action works by double clicking the result on the row.


Here's some of my settings:


On my task, I add the tables like this, my main table is Table 1, my intention is if im on table 3 and click on the reference no, then it will redirect to Table 1, that's why i created a table task for Table 2 and 3.



On my task parameter I have like this, initially I have order_nr only to refer to the reference column, but some table use order_id so I add order_id too



Process flow design is like this


Please advice,

Let me know if you still need more info

Thank you

Hello ​@Jheng and ​@Jeroen van den Belt, I joined this conversation as I think this will be solved with a design of us, to be taken care of in the very near future:

In the Styling Blog we designed the Look-ups to be shown as hyperlinks in non-edit mode in the Universal UI, would that solve this issue? 

Hi ​@Bart Metselaar 


Yes the change to  lookup control into a hyperlink on the blog is the one I'm looking for, I suppose it's a hyperlink redirecting back to the main module/entity. Other styling update in universal is a great to have as well.


When it will be implemented? I wish to be prompted when this one is release :)


Thank you for the update

Hi ​@Jeroen van den Belt ,


Your suggestion above is also another work around, but i'’m not sure if it still can resolve the behaviour that I expect. 


Thank you

Hi ​@Bart Metselaar 


Yes the change to  lookup control into a hyperlink on the blog is the one I'm looking for, I suppose it's a hyperlink redirecting back to the main module/entity. Other styling update in universal is a great to have as well.


When it will be implemented? I wish to be prompted when this one is release :)


Thank you for the update

Make sure to subscribe to that blog, as we will add a comment to it as we implement the elements of that extensive design. This subscription will send you mails on further progress. Also, make sure to subscribe on the Roadmap blog where you can find even more future features!

The implementation of the hyperlink lookup is part of the 2025.2 release.

I tried this methos already, but it works if you are navigating on the same table.

But if you are coming from another table or module, and want to open another page, it doesn't work.

What was not entirely clear from my previous description is that it is important to include all primary key columns in the process flow. The GUI needs these to identify the correct record to navigate to. These should be present as task parameters, just like the reference, and must be included in all mappings in the process flow in the same way as the reference.

Don't know for sure if this will solve it for you. If not, it might be a good idea to create a ticket and provide a model export. For more info, see

Since it's difficult to verify everything through these screenshots, this would allow us to take a closer look at your model.

Also, how can i remove the task button like below, since its a double click on the row, I don't expect to see any task button, but rather the action works by double clicking the result on the row.

You can do this by setting the task's 'Custom display type' to 'Hidden'. See also step 10 in this section of the Docs:

Hope this helps.

Hi ​@Jeroen van den Belt ,


Thank you again.


I'll give this one last try, if works or not. If not I'll just wait for the next release 2025.2 that include the hyperlinks :)


But I'll show my screenshot, that doesn't work, not sure if this is really possible or just my settings are wrong.

I already put the primary key of the tables that I want to link to and from and it's also added to the process flow. Please check below

Here's the popup when I double click, this is from declaration table grid 




  • here are 2 tables, so from declaration table if i click on the record I should jump to order table, that's why i created this.
  • Here are are task parameter, the id are the primary key, order_id is the primary key or order and declaration id is the primary key of declaration table


  • I also added task lookup but not sure if this is necessary


Process Flow:

  • in the process flow I added this



Thank you.

Hi ​@Jheng,

When I look at your first screenshot, the declaration_id field is empty. I guess it should be filled for you to be able to navigate to the correct row in the other screen? 

In that case you should check the the ‘Table task parameters’ tab in the screen ‘Tasks’ > ‘Table tasks’, to see if this parameter is correctly mapped to the corresponding column, so the task is able to retrieve its value.
